Here at SupplieZ, we and our manufacturers/vendors use FedEx, USPS and UPS for shipping, and therefore are bound by the rules of these carriers.
Occasionally we run “Free Shipping” promotions on select items. However, most of our items are shipped directly from the manufacturers themselves, and some of them may incur a manufacturers handling fee. IE. $5.00 USD. Although, most of them do not.
Almost Everything at SupplieZ will be shipped Ground with a 5 to 10 day transit time; but, Overnight and Next Day are almost always available. When making a purchase during the holiday season, we encourage shoppers to shop early. When it gets closer to the holiday season, please select shipping accordingly. We at SupplieZ cannot be held responsible if your packages arrive late. Please be advised Shipping is Non-Refundable.
Thank You,
SupplieZ Enterprises, Inc.